To capture an audience’s attention, use a projector to broadly display the image from any laptop or tablet.
Easily, efficiently and remotely control all of your conference room’s equipment and its environment from your smart phone or tablet. Remotely control everything from the temperature in the room, to the blinds, the lighting, projector and flat panel TV. Presto!
Display the image on a large flat panel TV so everyone can clearly see a crisp, vibrant picture.
Add notes to an image with touch sensitivity technology that’s built into an interactive overlay for a flat panel TV screen. Wow the audience with your ability to electronically write, group, move, sort, save and share your notes with just the touch of your finger. Talk about a time-saver!

We’ve all witnessed many a meeting spin out-of-control and descend into chaos simply because ideas were wildly being flung around the room. Side bar conversations start to break out and soon, everyone becomes more and more distracted.
Unless we can use and rely on technology to be more productive at company brainstorm sessions, we’re fooling ourselves into thinking that we’re all just going to magically collaborate and expeditiously get things done the next time we meet.
Here’s where technology can come to the rescue and lend itself to the kind of focus needed to experience a dramatic increase in productivity in the conference room: